I’m a huge fan of the show Blacklist on NBC. Well, more so a fan of the infamous Red Reddington. I just liked how he spoke on camera and explained his angles. One day, while watching the show I noticed him carrying his Beretta in a small of the back holster. To my surprise, it looked a lot like a DeSantis SOB. So naturally, I had to give one a try. Chad Desantis, the owner of the company was kind enough to send us one for the Glock 19, and I took it for a week-long test drive. The DeSantis SOB holster did not disappoint.
Let me begin by saying that I have a drawer full of holsters. Depending on the outfit I’m wearing, the weather conditions, the firearm of choice, and a few other factors in play, my decision on what and how to carry can change like the seasons. However, I would say at least 65% of the time I am a strong side IWB carry kind of guy. I don’t normally carry my Glock 19 just because to me, the size of the firearm makes it uncomfortable. I knew this would be the perfect challenge for the SOB holster.

SOB stands for Small of Back and wearing small of the back has some challenges. Challenge number one is an odd draw position. You must really get used to the gun practically being upside down. The proper term for this is “butt up” position. I didn’t have a problem drawing, but re-holstering became almost comical. Challenge number two, riding in a car or sitting in an office chair. This takes some getting used to. I almost had to arch my back to not feel like I was going to knock the gun out of the holster at any moment. This wasn’t going to happen, but in my mind, it really took me about 2 days to get used to this. Once I did, it really wasn’t an issue any longer.
I did practice some drawing techniques with the holster. I had zero issues drawing from the SOB. I was fast, and the position of the holster made for a perfect hand grip combination when I reached around my body. Re-holstering the firearm I looked like a guy trying to find the belt loop I missed.

The make of the holster is fantastic. This thing is made to last. DeSantis is excellent at leatherworking, and they have perfected their trade. I have zero issues with the holster itself. It does what it is supposed to do, and it does it well. It is made of top-quality leather, and they did not cut any corners whatsoever in the construction and quality of manufacturing. The firearm fit securely in place and stayed in place until I drew it out.
Small of the back carry is something to get used to. If that’s where you like to carry, I would highly recommend the DeSantis SOB holster. Its top-quality with an MSRP of $89.99. For more information on DeSantis or to purchase an SOB holster visit www.desantisholster.com